Centre d'Information sur les Institutions Européennes

Centre d'Information sur les Institutions Européennes (CIIE)

Accession to the EU: 1957 founder member
Accession to the Council of Europe: 1949
Surface area: 30 515 km²
Population: 11.82 million inhabitants (2023)
Capital city: Bruxelles
Official languages: Dutch, French, German
Political system : Constitutional monarchy
Head of state: King Philip. After the abdication of his father, King Albert II, Prince Philippe was sworn in on 21 July 2013 before the House of Representatives as the seventh King of the Belgians.
Head of government: Alexander de Croo was appointed Prime Minister on 30 September 2020
Currency: Euro
International code: + 32
National holiday: July 21st
The belgium deputies of the European Parliament