- Accession to the Council of Europe : 2003
- Area: 88,361 km²
- Population: 6.62 million inhabitants (2023)
- Capital: Belgrade (Beograd)
- Official language: Serbian
- Official currency: Dinar (CSD)
- Government type: Parliamentary Republic
- Head of State: Aleksandar Vučić re-elected on 3 April 2022
- Head of Government: Milo Vučević Prime Minister since 2 May 2024.
- International code: +381
- National holiday: February 15
Picture : Golubac fortress © National Tourism Organisation of Serbia
Text: CIA World Factbook
- 1331-1355 : The Golden Age of Serbia under the reign of Dusan the Great, who was crowned the Emperor of Serbia and Greece in 1346, integrating Macedonia and Thessaly into Serbia.
- June 28 1389 : Defeat of the army of Prince Lazare by the Turks in the plain of Kosovo. Serbia begins to lose territory to the Turks.
- End of the 14th century : The Crnojevic dynasty creates an autonomous country in Montenegro, but it was conquered by the Turks in 1496.
- 1521 : The fall of Belgrade, a victory for the Turks. The Serbians were attacked in Pec Patriarchate.
- 1669 : During the Kandiskij wars, Montenegro becomes a Turkish vassal, in exchange for political liberty.
- 1690 : Huge migration of the Serbians to the Austrian Voivodine, fleeing the Turkish violence.
- 1804 : First grand Serbian revolt against the Turks, led by Karageorges (George the Black).
- 1830 : Serbia becomes autonomous, but under the suzerainty of the Sultan in Istanbul.
- 1878 : Serbia and Montenegro become independent as a result of the Berlin Congress.
- June 28 1914 : Assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand and his wife Sophie in Sarajevo by the Serbian Gavrilo Princip. Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. Beginning of World War I.
- December 1918 : Serbia and Montenegro are integrated into the Kingdom Serbs, Croats, and Slovens.
- 1929 : This kingdom becomes the Kingdom of Yugoslavia under King Alexandre Karađorđević
- March 27 1941 : Following a military coup in Belgrade against the regent Paul. Serbia became a quisling country and Montenegro was occupied by the Italians.
- 1945 : Tito creates the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia. Serbia and Montenegro become two of the six republics.
- 1989 : Milošević, President of the Serbian Republic, nullifies the autonomy of Voïvodine and Kosovo-Metohija.
- 1991 : Independence of Slovenia, Croatia,and Macedonia.
- April 27, 1992 : The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is created with Serbia and Montenegro.
- May 1992 : Resolution 757 of the United Nations proclaims an embargo against Yugoslavia.
- March-April 1999 : NATO-led bombardments of Yugoslavia.
- Febrary 4 2003 : Confederal Union between the Republic of Serbia and Montenegro.
- 2009 : On December 22, Serbia files its demand to join the EU.
- March 2011: The European Council confirms Serbia as a candidate country.

© National Tourism Organisation of Serbia
Text: Belgrade Official Site

The torch has been taken over by the young, talented Jelena Dokic. Born in Belgrade in 1983, her family had to leave Yugoslavia when she was only eleven years old, and settled in Australia. She made herself know during the tournament in Rome in 2001, and since then has not left the top ten WTA ranking. She is a serious contender for Grand Slam titles in the coming years.
Pictures: Monika Seleš, © monica-seles.com
Jelena Dokic, © jelena-dokic.com
Text: WTA Tour
Đavolja varoš – Devil’s Town

Lepenski Vir
© National Tourism Organisation of Serbia
Text: UNESCO World Heritage List
Sources of texts:
Competitive Edge
Devil’s Town
National Tourism Organisation of Serbia